Wednesday, 19 March 2014

most important part of the day

since i was young, my parents have taught me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. we are taught that in school too. it's preached to us everywhere. but as students, breakfast sometimes gets forgotten. i know for me, i would rather get an extra 10 mins of sleep then wake up and make a decent meal. but now that there is an urgency for me to be healthy, the morning has become my time to set the pace for the day. 

a healthy breakfast is so important. not just breakfast, but a healthy balanced breakfast. this has been hard for me to accomplish, as i am more a toast kind of gal, and that's it. but lately i have been trying new things. for breakfast the past couple of days i have been having this combination of food! 

-orange juice 
-one piece of toast w/ peanut butter
-scrambled eggs with salt&pepper
-fruit (strawberries&grapes) mixed with yogurt and hemp seeds. 

preparing my breakfast makes me feel so good. and taking the time to make food i know is healthy for my body feels awesome. i actually enjoy preparing food, laziness has always just been the problem. but no longer. 

besides eating a properly balanced breakfast, spending time with God is so important in the morning. i am learning how much better of a day you have when you start it off right. stretching in the morning while praying is good too. you get your body ready for the day and you get your heart in the right place. it's been a great time and i am looking forward to what God is going to do with me now that i am getting my life on track. 

i am ready for anything. 
in omnia paratus

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