Thursday, 19 November 2015

God's Grace

Today was a long day. But it was filled with God's grace.

God's grace is unmerited favour, it is kindness from God we don't deserve. 

Today, I was scheduled at Toronto General Hospital (TGH) for a number of tests (including an X-Ray), for my second phase of the kidney donor work up. My first phase consisted of a LOT of blood work, an EKG & a urinalysis. Those results came back fine, and by the grace of God I was able to move to the next phase. The tests today were; more blood work & a glucose tolerance test, a GFR renal scan, a CT scan, and a chest X-Ray. 

My parents were unable to come with me for this phase, because my Mom had just had her own set of appointments the day before at the same hospital, and thus could not take off another day of work. So, I woke up bright and early to the sound of rain, and caught a train at 5:07am with my Auntie Julie. We decided to take an early train so that we would have time to get to Union, catch a subway, find our way through the hospital, and check in before my first appointment. 

We decided to sit on the top level in the train, but quickly realized that talking is frowned upon that early in the morning, so we moved to the first floor. Once we reached Union Station, we were lining up to get off the train when I felt a poke on my back. I had no idea who it was, but when I turned around, it was a very dear friend of mine who I had not seen in a long time! I was so surprised and so happy! It turned out that he was walking in the direction in which we needed to go. It had stopped raining, it was warm out and we were all going the same way. Julie and I skipped the subway and walked with my friend until we parted ways - him towards his work, and us towards the hospital. 

As we continued walking, we happened to be right near City Hall and Nathan Philips Square where the giant glowing TORONTO sign is. The area was completely deserted and it was so calm. Since it had rained, the square was covered in water and the sign reflected off the water so beautifully. We had got to Toronto a lot earlier than expected, so we had a lot of free time to stop and take pictures and take our time walking to the hospital. 

Once we reached our destination, I signed in and waited for my name to be called for the first appointment of the day; blood work. After the waiting room emptied out, one person came in while I was sitting there and the nurses called him before me. I gestured to them to say that I had a number and I was before that man. Turns out they had called my number and I had missed it! I then got in right away and the nurse that was helping me was very sweet. There were so many coincidences that we noticed; her sister's name is Riley (my middle name), our last names were spelt very similarly and she even went to college in Oshawa. I also had my giving key necklace on and she asked me about it. I was able to share with her about the word on mine, courage, what the company does and what you are supposed to do with your key. She then looked up the website right there while she was putting stickers on my (9) vials of blood. 

Then we had to go to another area of the hospital where all the rest of the tests would take place. I forgot to mention that I had to fast for my blood work first thing in the morning, and so I hadn't eaten since 7pm the night before. Once I checked in at the next area, the receptionist told me that she would be able to squeeze me in for an X-Ray right then and there. Originally it was scheduled as my last test of the day at 12:45pm and I would have had to fast until then. I was so thankful that I got there early enough and ahead of schedule so that my day would be a little shorter and I would be able to eat a lot sooner. 

After the chest X-Ray, I had a test called a GFR Renal Scan where they injected me with a radioactive fluid. I then had to lay on a table and the table moved into position where these 'cameras' took pictures of my kidneys. The radioactive stuff makes my kidneys and bladder light up very brightly so then can see how they are functioning. It was so cool so to see my two little kidneys on the screen! 

I had some time in between two phases of that one test where Julie and I decided to walk over to the Eaton Centre. It was so close by, it took us less than 10mins to walk there. I ended up getting all my little bit of Christmas shopping done and I even got a new dress for upcoming Christmas parties! 

After I came back and finished the last parts of the Renal Scan test, I moved on to my last and final test which was a CT scan. I had never got one of these before and I didn't know what to expect. It was not bad at all, as I got to wear only hospital gowns (2) which were so comfortable, and I got to lay on yet another table with a pillow. This machine moved me in and out of a scanner that was scanning my abdomen. For this test I had a different injection that makes your whole body warm and it makes you feel like you peed your yourself, haha! But, I had to lay there for over 20 mins so I snuck a little cat nap in. 

Finally, all was done and Julie and I decided to go back to the Eaton Centre to have lunch! I finally could eat!!!!! I was so excited. All day I had felt light headed, so tired and being poked and prodded with multiple needles and injections was very painful. So we went to the food court and I got the best lunch; fries with chilli, sour cream, cheese, onions and tomatoes on top! mmm mm mmm. so good. 


We caught the train home, on which we both slept, and I have been reflecting on this day ever since. 

I absolutely cannot get over how BLESSED I am. I noticed God's favour on me all day. He blessed me beyond measure and went above and beyond what I ever expected. I prayed all week leading up to this day, that God would go before me and bless the day for when I got to it. I was thinking it would be nice that I get there on time and I don't pass out, etc. But God, gave me the most unexpected surprise on the train by allowing me to bump into my good friend, and then from there on out, I felt His presence and grace upon me. The nurses, the timing of the appointments, my Auntie Julie being so absolutely wonderful, finding the perfect gifts for my family for Christmas, no rain, warm weather, the list goes on. 

Never doubt God. Always trust Him and believe that He will answer your prayers. Pray with specificity and with passion, He will answer those prayers - but sometimes He will answer them in ways you never had imagined. God's grace is unmerited favour and kindness that we don't deserve, and I 100% felt that today. I felt all the prayers and love from my close friends and family, and I saw God in everyone I encountered and everything that happened. 

This journey is so rewarding! It's challenging and next year is quite daunting, but my family has God on our side and He goes before us and is working things out for when we get there. We have seen Him answer prayers time and time again, even down to the smallest tiniest thing like a number on a piece of paper. We know He will answer our prayers and bring healing to my momma through my kidney. 

I trust God with all I am, which means I am ready for anything. 
In omnia paratus 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Quality Thoughts

"Good quality thoughts happen when God is near"

I am going to dive right into that statement and what that means to me, but first, look at these verses ; 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or perceived or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practise. And the God of peace will be with you." {Phillipians 4:8-9}

On Sunday morning, this verse hit me hard after I heard our pastor's insight into it. 

When you think about these things (all that is listed above) and put into practise what God has commanded in His word, then He will be with us. He is the God of peace, and He will be with us. We will have peace when we think about these things and follow His teachings. 

I guess our pastor didn't really give insight per-say, but more so reworded the verse into simpler terms. I have read this verse 100 times and I only ever looked at the list of things to think about - whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. I had never truly looked or understood the second part of the passage that says to not only think about these things, but also put into practise His teachings (what we have learned and perceived or seen in Him). Then when we do both of those things, the God of peace will be with us. Meaning, we will have peace regardless of our situations or circumstances, when we are like-minded with Christ and when we act Christ-like. 

Now from experience I can tell you that as a Christian who has a relationship with God, if I am not investing into that relationship daily, then I will not be thinking about true, noble or pure things. I also know that I won't be behaving like Christ or obeying His teachings. When I am far from God, neglecting my devotions and not setting time aside in my day to spend in prayer, people notice. I become no longer a 'peaceful' person. My negative attitude shows, my thoughts change to become more mean or impure, and I lack confidence and trust in who I am. When I am far from the God of peace, I am not thinking about praiseworthy and excellent things, nor am I apt to be putting His teachings into practise - and this is not good! However, when I do draw near to Him and make the time to spend in His word and His presence, everything changes. Good quality thoughts happen when He is near. Keep Him near. 

So, as I am journeying through this life and learning as I go, God is still teaching and moulding me. Yes, I have been a Christian for 'my whole life', but that doesn't mean I am any greater or any better than anyone. I fail everyday and I struggle just like the rest of the world. However, I have so much hope in God and faith that He will see my efforts to correct myself when I realize I am far from Him, and He will draw near the second I call His name. Same goes for you! He hears you and He sees you.

I know there are some of you out there who may notice a difference in your own thoughts or attitudes also when you realize you are far from God and neglecting that time with Him. Maybe a friend of yours called you out or a family member gently asked you if you have been doing your devotions lately. Don't take offence to those comments and concerns from your fellow brothers & sisters in Christ. But instead be so thankful that God forgives and He understands that life happens. All He wants is to see the effort and He will reward you for that. 

Be blessed my friends! When you put God first and make time with Him a priority, I hope you are ready for anything, 
In omnia paratus 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

The End of Another Summer Unlike Any Other

Hey friends! 

I want to start blogging more often and more frequently just about things that are on my heart or what God prompts me to write about. So, since summer is coming to and end and I officially start classes in about a week, I wanted to write about the most amazing summer that I had. 

This summer was unlike any other. I was offered a position as a mother's helper/nanny for a family whom I had never met previously to being offered the job. I met the mother, Juliet, when she was 8 & 1/2 months pregnant and had a 1 & 1/2 year old boy named James. She was looking for help because she was going to have a newborn with a less than 2 year old running around - plus her husband works all day! But this was SO for me. I love babies and kids and doing motherly/wifey things like changing diapers, cleaning a house, doing dishes, going for walks, running errands, etc. My job started less than one week after her second baby was born, Lucas.           


Over the summer I watched James grow (seriously, he grew taller than any other 1 year old I know) and I watched Lucas grow from a little lump to a very happy, giggly baby! We got to go on adventures like to Ripley's Aquarium, the Toronto Zoo & many splash pads and water parks. 

Ripley's Aquarium

The Toronto Zoo

Petticoat Creek


Not only did I fall in love with this family and those two boys, but I became even more sure that I want to one day be a mom and a wifey. I also learned that I really love to help others and serve those in need of some help. 

This summer I also got the chance to go to Wonderland and see some of my favourite artists perform at Wonderjam 2015, I babysat for many different families, I volunteered at a soup kitchen with my best friend and celebrated Canada day with her too, I got to spend time with friends and do fun things with my family (including visiting family I hadn't seen in over 10 years who live 4 hours away), I became a mother to five plant babies (!!!), I turned 20 and had a wonderful birthday weekend with friends, I got to house sit/pet sit for a family friend, I FINISHED ALL 10 SEASONS OF FRIENDS, and I had the privilege of donating blood for the third time!  I was so so blessed by God who gave me this wonderful summer full of memories, joy, laughter and full hearts. 


I just babysat for these three handsome boys! I sure did miss them!
Visiting family! 
Canada Day 2015

My plant babies! (missing my bamboo)

Birthday pictures - Starbucks sipface - Classic #Jarbbadventures
These ladies took me out somewhere special for my birthday! 

My bff Jaslin got me this absolutely wonderful key - from

And all these people came out to dinner with me to celebrate being 20!
My lovely, gorgeous fam at church on my birthday!
House sitting/Pet sitting - this is Trooper!

"You watched all 10 seasons in less than four weeks?"
Donating blood! 
On a more serious note, this summer (well just two weeks ago) we found out that my mom's kidneys had dropped to 16%. We have been able to prolong this subtle decline in her kidney function through healthy eating (by not eating anything containing potassium - which is terrible for the kidneys) and through controlling her blood sugar levels as a diabetic. However, even with doing everything right, her kidneys are still declining. I wrote a post last year (the first post on this blog) about how there was a new urgency for me to eat healthy and take care of myself as well because the process for seeing if I am able to donate to my mom would start soon. That process did not start until now. Now since her kidney levels are so low, they are truly beginning the year-long process we both need to undergo to see if we are a match.

I one hundred percent want to donate my kidney to my mother. But, the outcome of this situation remains only in God's hands. He has the control, He knows what our outcome will be. I just pray that He will show His grace and allow my body to be healthy enough and a perfect match for my momma, so she won't have to endure the pain and discomfort of dialysis. 

Overall this summer was full of love, adventures and memories that will last forever! I can't wait to start my third year of university next week and embark on a new journey. 

With God, I am ready for anything! 
In omnia paratus 

Ps. Donating blood is an amazing thing that I believe everyone should do - if you are healthy with no blood disorders or diseases, you should donate blood. My dad's treatment is made out of hemoglobin, which comes from blood. Without healthy people donating, people that are sick and need treatment or people who are in need of a blood transfusion, go without. You could save a life! And how AMAZING is it that God created us with a heart that pumps blood and regenerates blood continuously. We have that gift inside of us to give away! How wonderful! Please consider donating if you're able to - you could seriously save a life.
Go to to book an appointment :)