Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Quality Thoughts

"Good quality thoughts happen when God is near"

I am going to dive right into that statement and what that means to me, but first, look at these verses ; 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or perceived or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practise. And the God of peace will be with you." {Phillipians 4:8-9}

On Sunday morning, this verse hit me hard after I heard our pastor's insight into it. 

When you think about these things (all that is listed above) and put into practise what God has commanded in His word, then He will be with us. He is the God of peace, and He will be with us. We will have peace when we think about these things and follow His teachings. 

I guess our pastor didn't really give insight per-say, but more so reworded the verse into simpler terms. I have read this verse 100 times and I only ever looked at the list of things to think about - whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. I had never truly looked or understood the second part of the passage that says to not only think about these things, but also put into practise His teachings (what we have learned and perceived or seen in Him). Then when we do both of those things, the God of peace will be with us. Meaning, we will have peace regardless of our situations or circumstances, when we are like-minded with Christ and when we act Christ-like. 

Now from experience I can tell you that as a Christian who has a relationship with God, if I am not investing into that relationship daily, then I will not be thinking about true, noble or pure things. I also know that I won't be behaving like Christ or obeying His teachings. When I am far from God, neglecting my devotions and not setting time aside in my day to spend in prayer, people notice. I become no longer a 'peaceful' person. My negative attitude shows, my thoughts change to become more mean or impure, and I lack confidence and trust in who I am. When I am far from the God of peace, I am not thinking about praiseworthy and excellent things, nor am I apt to be putting His teachings into practise - and this is not good! However, when I do draw near to Him and make the time to spend in His word and His presence, everything changes. Good quality thoughts happen when He is near. Keep Him near. 

So, as I am journeying through this life and learning as I go, God is still teaching and moulding me. Yes, I have been a Christian for 'my whole life', but that doesn't mean I am any greater or any better than anyone. I fail everyday and I struggle just like the rest of the world. However, I have so much hope in God and faith that He will see my efforts to correct myself when I realize I am far from Him, and He will draw near the second I call His name. Same goes for you! He hears you and He sees you.

I know there are some of you out there who may notice a difference in your own thoughts or attitudes also when you realize you are far from God and neglecting that time with Him. Maybe a friend of yours called you out or a family member gently asked you if you have been doing your devotions lately. Don't take offence to those comments and concerns from your fellow brothers & sisters in Christ. But instead be so thankful that God forgives and He understands that life happens. All He wants is to see the effort and He will reward you for that. 

Be blessed my friends! When you put God first and make time with Him a priority, I hope you are ready for anything, 
In omnia paratus 

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