Friday, 11 March 2016

Guatemala: My brother is coming too!

Hi friends!

I have decided to create a series on this little blog, about Guatemala. So from now on, if you see the word Guatemala in the title, then you can probably guess the post will have something to do with the journey to Guatemala! 

I'm so excited to tell you guys, that my brother is going to Guatemala too! I feel so blessed that we get to experience this together and go on a great adventure, together. I know that God is going to do BIG things in Mitchell's life over the next 6 months, and during our time there. 

Mitchell and I have become good friends as we have gotten older. Before he used to be just my annoying little brother, but now, he's more than that. He is my friend, my buddy, someone who always has my back and someone who loves me at my worst. I am thankful for our sweet relationship and how God has brought us closer together over the years. 

The idea of getting to travel to another country with my brother, and even just the thought of doing God's work along side of him, fills me with joy! 

Here's to all the adventures ahead of us, bro. 

In omnia paratus 

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